Friday, May 23, 2008

A New BLUE World

The beauty of the world grows and increases with every new experience that you have with it. It’s the ‘newness’ that happen to entice you towards it. I wrote about how difficult it is to let go and how we suddenly realize certain things have come to an end. Well, don’t be surprised if the next minute you are already looking forward to the next phase of your life, of starting into the NEW world.

For me it’s NEW all way. A new house, new people, new workplace, new way of life, new thoughts, new encounters, new rules, new …!!!

There is a moment you think that you are just not the correct fit for the surroundings. And the next minute you are a part of the group, wanting to live more and more of the new life life. For me the new way is BLUE!!! Yeah it’s a true blue world – facing right on to the sea. All I need to do is look up towards the window from my seat and I can see the unending horizon. The blue sea, the perfect clouds and the vastness – the Infinity of the world. I have always been fascinated by the sea; as a child I used to wonder what is at the other end and now I wonder where the sea would lead me to.

The last 2 years of MBA have reinvented me as a different person altogether and now I find my discovering more and more about being me. Maersk would definitely bring out a new me at the end.

And yes, however, new it may be one thing is true, this is what I had thought of always – My life is a manifestation of my thoughts. I am today what I have always wanted to be and seen myself as.
And here is a snapshot of the vastness.

PS: Special thanks to my friend NB for sending me the picture.