Thursday, November 09, 2006


Sitting in the IT lecture is not really my idea of an interesting lecture... but dont have a choice i guess. Well, yesterday was one of our last IT lectures, and as the prof showed us all kinds of parts of the CPU... I began to wonder...

(For all engineers and comp savvy guys... try and be a lay man and put forth your abstract mind when you read this ahead...)

I wonder at the technology of the PC. Maybe you wud say nothing rocket science about it - now that we consider it so small and insignificant and look for better things. But this little thing that I see amazes me beyond expression. Come to think of it, these little chips and small "dot" like structures manage all kind of our work on the computer. Processing info digitally, passing it onto from one PC to another.

Can u imagine... all this that I write here is actually stored in the form of 0s and1s.... I have tied to imagine these as LITTLE PEOPLE who live inside my PC and do my work. These little creatures inside, perhaps out of a fairy tale are guys wiht tiny hands and feet and little squeaky voices. They pass commands to each other as and when I demand things from them.

When we analyse we write, add, subtract, multiply, calculate etc etc.. and when the PC analuses, it just does it - like the snap of the hand. Have you ever tried to imagine how the data would "LOOK" like in the system... in the sense - whether it would have any shape and kind of pysical existence?? And try and imagine it has one. Then how would it be???

Try and visulaise how a processing inside would look like. I guess it should some fun!!